Hello friends! I decided to start a blog about my journey towards a healthier and hopefully happier life! Now, you will have to bare with me because I am NOT a great writer. My goal with this is to share my experience with trying new and exciting adventures that gear towards living a better life!

Hello friends! I decided to start a blog about my journey towards a healthier and hopefully happier life! Now, you will have to bare with me because I am NOT a great writer. My goal with this is to share my experience with trying new and exciting adventures that gear towards living a better life!

Some background- I turned 30 years old this summer. I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago and started on antidepressants last November. I have never been a big gym goer or dieter. I have been a hairstylist for about 8 years now and am very energetic and on my feet all day so I usually go home very tired and order a pizza and call it good. My weight has been up and down the same 5-8 lbs for forever! I am only 5 feet tall so 5lbs makes or breaks a muffin top for me. I am single and live alone with my cat.(yes, I am one of those!) I eat out a lot.  I am to the point where my weight is on the heavier side for me and I am tired and sad most of the time again so I decided last Monday that it is time to take this seriously and try something new. Nothing will change if you keep doing everything the same right? Anyway this blog will be about health and mental illness and will tie in here and there to being a full time stylist and business owner. Basically being a bad ass independent chick!

3 thoughts on “Hello friends! I decided to start a blog about my journey towards a healthier and hopefully happier life! Now, you will have to bare with me because I am NOT a great writer. My goal with this is to share my experience with trying new and exciting adventures that gear towards living a better life!

  1. Small changes make big differences. Find something you like to do exercise wise and do it. Don’t let anyone put you down about your weight, and don’t put yourself down either. The most important part is health- not weight.


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